Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Real Fletcher Long.

Fletcher Long

 I have spent hundreds of hours with Fletcher Long over the past two years, while writing his memoirs. He has bared his soul to me on many occasions. As a result, I know him as well as anybody could know another person.
Fletcher is a brilliant strategist, highly intelligent and is able to discern the true motives of others as well as I anyone I have ever seen. He is a loyal, devoted husband and father. He is also a loyal, devoted friend, to those who choose to befriend him.

Fletcher loves to help others, especially those who are being treated unfairly, because of their social status.

However, he is also a warrior, and a fierce one. Anyone who tries to, "take him on," is going to find their self in a fight that they usually wish they had never started. How is this possible? How can a man be so  kind and loving one minute, and turn himself into the fiercest of foes,the next?

When Fletcher feels he has been wronged, or sees another person being wronged, the warrior inside immediately engages his perceived enemy or threat, in order to protect his kind, true self. And I have yet to find anyone that has been on receiving end of Fletcher Long's warrior self, that would care to repeat the experience.

Fletcher Long tells the truth, as he sees it, unabashed, and without regard for the opinions of others. If he thinks well of you he will tell your to your face. If he does NOT think well of you, he will also tell you to your face. And he is most often right, either way.

Bill Warner, the private investigator, who evidently fancies himself some sort of expert on "God knows what," called Fletcher a, "Media Whore, " on his webpage. After examining Mr. Warner's own web postings, there is is only one possible objective conclusion regarding his, "name calling," statement.

If Fletcher Long is a, "Media Whore," then Bill Warner must be the unabashed, "King," of Media Whores.

While Fletcher carefully uses or doesn't use the media for the benefit of his client, Bill Warner, evidently does just the opposite. His website is one of the most confusing conglomerations of self promotion by any means possible, on the internet. It seems obvious to me that he only used Fletcher's name to boost his search engine rankings. On the other hand, the website for Long & Herbison, is quite well done.

Is Fletcher controversial? Yes. Is he pompous at times? Certainly. Does he realize it? Without a doubt.

Fletcher believes in the America, that the Constitution of the United States describes, rather than the America that corrupt politicians attempt to create on a daily basis. And he is not afraid to stand up for his rights and the rights of others.That position, evidently bothers quite a few people. However, I can't imagine Fletcher Long would change any of that, as well as it seems to be working.

Carlos Jenkins - Author